WM-E LCB - Comutator de iluminat stradal de tip remote, scalabil și inteligent cu NB, LTE 4G, 3G, 2G, LTE450
Scalable, smart street lighting switcher with remote control and wireless communication standard access (as NB-IoT (Narrow-Band) Cat.M1 & LTE-M, LTE 4G, 3G, 2G, CDMA450, LTE450)
Cost-effective smart modem with lighting monitoring, remote and central switching control of street lighting units (street lamps).
Using a switch box and smart metering router – as one device.
The device is capable of receiving the P1 customer interface data of the WM-E3S electricity metering modems. Also counts switches and the amount of lighting hours, using daylight saving time – according to the current time zone.
The device is connecting via Narrow-Band mobile network – via OSLP protocol – to the server through secure authentication and it serves relay switch requests.
The lighting switch can be initiated remotely from the head-end centre, on-demand or in scheduled intervals (according the current daylight saving).